Dental Implants – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the UK are without doubt one of the best ways of replacing missing teeth and typically have a success rate of over 95% but like anything in life, there are no guarantees, and things can sometimes go wrong. Much of the success of a dental implant relies on meticulous planning prior to surgery in order that the implants are placed in just the right position so that the replacement teeth don’t just look great, but function effectively too.

Picking the right implant dentist

dental implants in RichmondImplant success is also reliant on the knowledge and expertise of your chosen implant dentist. For example, some dentists offering dental implants may only have taken a short course on dental implants and possibly only place a few implants each year. Conversely, another dentist may have completed further years of dental implant training after graduation and been actively involved in dental implants for several years. Be sure to check out your dentist’s experience and don’t be afraid to ask how many dental implants they’ve successfully placed and read the testimonials on their website.

Healing time is paramount

Once a dental implant has been placed it’s a matter of waiting for the implant to fuse successfully with the surrounding bone and gum tissue. This varies from one patient to another but it’s rare for osseointegration (as the process is called) not to happen. Success can be affected by the quality of the patient’s bone and their body’s ability to heal. This is why smokers and people with compromised immune systems are more at risk of implant failure. It’s a common practice for an implant to be covered with a temporary crown while healing takes place and an experienced dentist will take care that the crown doesn’t come into contact with the opposite tooth in the other jaw as any such pressure at this time could cause the implant to fail.

Care after healing

A dental implant is not a fit and forgets treatment and it’s really important to take good care of it once it’s healed. Habits such as tooth grinding can pose a threat to a dental implant so if you know you clench or grind your teeth, then ask your dentist for a night guard to protect your implant when you’re asleep.

Although your dental implant can’t decay, it’s important to know that the gum tissue and bone surrounding the implant is susceptible to inflammation and infection. If you fail to clean properly around your dental implants, then a condition called peri-implantitis, similar to gum disease, can occur and this is capable of causing bone degeneration and failure of a dental implant. This can immediately or years after implant placement, so it’s important never to get complacent about caring for your dental implant. Instead you should schedule regular appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist, for professional cleaning and monitoring.

Here at Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi has extensive knowledge and years of experience in placing dental implants so you know you’re in safe hands. To find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond and to ascertain if you’re a suitable candidate, why not book a free consultation to meet the team and get all your questions answered. You can call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at