Dental implants: your guide to permanent tooth replacement

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond offers a range of implant treatments to replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth. We are also able to carry out bone grafting procedures for patients who have low bone density.

dental-implants-in-richmondPeople can lose teeth for all manner of reasons – dental decay, gum disease, accidents and injuries. In most cases dental implants are the best way to replace them. As well as being permanent, they are also the only way to replace lost tooth roots.

Roots keep our teeth securely in our mouth, but they also help to preserve the health and integrity of the jaw bone. If the jaw bone starts to shrink – as it will if most or all of the natural tooth roots are missing – then traditional dentures will become loose, and in some cases the entire structure of your face can be altered, making you look old before your time.

Our Richmond dental practice welcomes patients of all ages for dental implants consultations, no matter how they have come to lose their teeth. Underlying medical complaints such as gum disease should be treated first, but we can carry this out here at our Richmond clinic prior to your dental implants surgery.

When you come into Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond for a consultation, your dentist will perform a thorough clinical assessment, including using x-rays and CT scans as necessary to assess your current level of bone density.

If you have already experienced bone loss – perhaps you are currently struggling on with loose dentures – your dentist may recommend a bone expansion or bone grafting procedure, which we are fully equipped to carry out here at our Richmond clinic.

Dental implants can be placed under either local anaesthetic or conscious sedation. In some circumstances, a procedure called Same Day Teeth may be suitable, in which case your dentist will attach new teeth at the same time as placing your implants.

In other cases a healing period will be required for your implants to integrate with your bone. Temporary teeth are often fitted in this situation.