Dentures – dispelling the myths

Dentures have been around for a long time. And in that time the methods used to fit them have developed and they are now more secure than ever.

dentures-in-richmondIt is understandable if you still have lingering doubts about dentures based on an older stereotype. At Sheen Dental, Richmond, dentures are an option that we offer for people with some or all of their teeth missing and we want to ensure that you are comfortable. The best way to be reassured is by one of our professional and friendly dental team, as they can tailor advice to your circumstances. However, we can also address some of the common concerns right now.

Will people be able to see that you have dentures?

After a thorough consultation with your dentist at our clinic in Richmond, dentures will be made from an impression that is taken of your mouth and any remaining teeth. The dentures will be matched to your tooth colour if you have other teeth, and to an appropriate colour for your age, or from photographs if you do not. This is one step that we take to ensure that your teeth look natural.

Another reason that it might be obvious that you are wearing dentures is if you are experiencing slippage or speech difficulties. There is an adjustment period for dentures where you will need to get used to keeping them in place and speaking. When you have adapted, however, you should not experience difficulty with these things nor should you have any clicking or discomfort.

It is common for your mouth to change shape if you have recently had teeth removed to make room for your dentures. This can compromise the fit but your dentures can be adjusted so it is important that you see your dentist if you feel this has happened.

Will it severely limit the food I can eat?

Initially, you will need to adapt to the way you need to eat with dentures. There are also certain foods that you may need to prep before eating by cutting it into bite sized pieces or strips. However, with patience, you will learn to eat and enjoy most foods. Talk to your dentist if there is anything you are particularly concerned about. At Sheen Dental, we look forward to guiding you towards a great experience with dentures in Richmond.