Discover A Brand New Smile With Dental Implants

Even with proper denture care teeth can be permanently lost. It can happen as a direct result of untreated infection or decay, or because of an accident or injury. For this reason more and more people are turning to dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental, over the past few years we’ve noticed a definite uptake in patients seeking treatment. This may because there’s more information available regarding the process, leaving people feeling more confident about it, or alternatively, they may know someone directly who’s already gone through the process and have seen the results first hand. Whatever the reason one thing’s for sure, dental implants deliver a brand new smile like no other form of teeth replacement.

The real social benefits

dental implants in RichmondImplants are the only form of tooth replacement that actually halt the process of bone loss. This occurs naturally after teeth are missing and makes the contours of the face appear pinched in and withdrawn as the gum recedes. Conversely, anyone seeking implants will notice a vast improvement as it’s secured directly into the bone. Once in position the titanium root of the implant re-stimulates the surrounding bone tissue causing it to regenerate around the root and anchor it firmly in place. Doing this not only stops the ageing process and gives you back a full and permanent set of teeth, but it also provides the foundation for a great looking smile.

So what’s in a smile?

The truth is that many people who suffer with missing teeth often withdraw from social situations feeling uncomfortable about having to smile, talk, and even eat in front of others. As a result they lose self-confidence even around people they know. A great looking smile on the other hand has the ability to open many doors both professionally and socially and gives you the confidence to handle every situation. This could be dealing with clients and co-workers in a professional role through to social gatherings with friends and family or even romantic dinners-for-two with a loved one.

The bottom line is that missing teeth don’t have to get in the way of your confidence when you seek dental implants in Richmond. For further information on how you can restore your confidence and bring back that perfect smile why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. This way you can get all the facts allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision before you take the plunge. To make a booking contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 or via our website at Are you ready to improve the quality of your life today?