Do I Need An Implant For Each Missing Tooth?

When considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond you’ll probably be aware of the fact that a dental implant is a permanent fixture for a missing tooth. In its simplest form a titanium rod is secured directly into the jawbone where the missing tooth is and a crown is then placed on top to fill the gap and make for a natural looking tooth replacement.

dental implants in RichmondThis is all well and good, but what if you have two or three gaps or worse still, many missing teeth? Is it feasible to replace each gap with an individually implanted tooth? Let’s take a closer look.

Two or three gaps

In the past when patients have had two or three gaps that are adjacent to each other then the easiest method of filling that gap would be with a dental bridge. The issue is that a bridge relies on nearby healthy teeth to support the framework. This means grinding down otherwise healthy teeth to do exactly this. Clearly this isn’t the best option. One other suggestion might be to replace each missing gap with an individual dental implant. In Richmond here at Sheen Dental for example we may do this if the patient wishes, however what might be preferential is an implant supported bridge. Rather than using healthy teeth to support a bridged framework, it is instead supported by a single implant which is placed into one of the gaps. This means that the process is simple to perform and of course no healthy teeth are harmed.

Rows of missing teeth or edentulous patients

For patients who are missing an entire row or all of their teeth then it’s fair to say that individual implants aren’t really feasible in terms of cost and time in surgery. Again another option might be to have a set of dentures made. Modern day dentures are now lighter, more comfortable, and more natural-looking than dentures of old. However because they aren’t permanently attached (instead they sit on the gum line) they won’t stop the bone loss which occurs naturally over time when teeth are missing. This is why dentures need continual adjustment and eventually, need to be replaced. A better solution might be implant supported dentures. This is where 4-6 implants are strategically anchored into the jaw and from this a supported denture then clips onto the implants giving you a natural looking full set of teeth.

As you can see, there are options open to you when you have missing teeth, so we invite you to come and discuss those options with us at Sheen Dental. We’ve been successfully placing dental implants in Richmond for decades and as such have the experience and the skills to deliver exactly what you, the patient, needs. Why not contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at to book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation.