Do I Really Need To Have Bone Augmentation?

If you’ve been doing any research at all with regard to dental implants in Richmond you’ve probably come across the term ‘bone augmentation’ too. It’s a process that tends to go hand in hand with the implant procedure. But do you really need it? In order to answer this we need to delve a little into the biology of what happens when a tooth is missing.

dental implants in RichmondWhen a tooth is missing then the first thing that happens is that the bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. As a result it starts to waste away. As it does so it compromises the underlying jaw bone until eventually you’re left with a jaw bone that’s quite thin. This is partly what causes an aged look.

The problem is that most conventional dental implants need to be placed into bone that has both good density and good mass. When this isn’t the case, there’s a strong chance that the implant won’t survive because the remaining bone tissue won’t integrate with the newly placed implant correctly.

For this reason a bone augmentation process is the best option.

So what exactly is it?

In essence a bone augmentation is a common process carried out in the dental clinic. It involves taking synthetic or real bone tissue cells and implanting them onto the affected area. Over time the new bone merges with the old bone to create a solid platform upon which an implant can then be attached too.

Will you always have to have this procedure?

No not always. If the tooth loss is fairly recent (say a matter of days or weeks) the composition of the remaining bone should be relatively healthy with good bone mass. However if the tooth has been missing for a while then there’s a good chance you will have suffered bone loss and therefore may need a bone augmentation.

Are there any setbacks with a bone augmentation?

Other than time and inconvenience, not really. As already stated it’s a common process that most implant dentists have carried out hundreds of times before. It’s both safe and successful. The only issue is that time is needed for the bone to fuse together before an implant can be placed. Therefore you’ll probably be looking at tagging another 6-12 weeks onto the process.

The bottom line is that if you do want to avoid extra processes such as bone augmentation, then if you experience a missing tooth, then speed is of the essence. Book an appointment with your dentist immediately where they can discuss your options.

If you’ve recently experienced a missing tooth and are considering dental implants in Richmond, then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment with Sheen Dental. Contact us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at where you can find more information.