Do My Implants Need Special Care?

If you’ve researched anything about dental implants in Richmond, you’ll know that they’re the only permanent solution to missing teeth replacement. Not only are they inserted directly into your jaw bone (non removable) but they can also last for many years. However just like your real teeth, they do require a certain amount of due care and attention, but what type of special care do they need?

dental implants in RichmondThat all depends on what we mean by the term ‘special care’. For example do they require any special cleaning materials, techniques, and routines? In a word no! Do they need to be looked after and kept in the best condition? Yes!

The importance of good standards of oral hygiene

When it comes to dental implants the importance of practising continuing high standards of oral hygiene can’t be underestimated. Although dental implants create a super strong platform upon which a crown, framework for a bridge, or full row of dentures can be placed they can also be prone to attacks from bacteria. This is true particularly in the early days before they’ve had time to establish themselves. For this reason it’s imperative to practice brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Your dentist might give you specialist brushes which have the ability to reach in between the implant itself to remove all debris and food particles. They might also provide you with a special antiseptic mouthwash which will help to heal the implant quicker. Whatever your tools of choice, remember that dental implants are a long-term solution to missing teeth and for this reason need long-term ongoing care.

The role of the dentist

Aside from you (the patient) committing to a long-term goal, your dentist is also committed to making your implants a success too. In order to do this they’ll carry out regular 3-6 monthly checks to make sure that everything is going according to plan. This way, if there are problems, then it’s more than likely that they’ll be detected earlier and because of this they can be dealt with both quickly and efficiently. The issue is that with most dental implant problems unless they get to a stage where they’re really bad, they can’t often be detected. What’s more they’re rarely painful either. This is why it’s important that a patient attends regular check-ups. In addition a dental hygienist will be able to remove any stubborn plaque or tartar that brushing fails to remove giving you the best possible chance of implant longevity.

If you want to find out more about how to care for your dental implants in Richmond, then visit our website at where you can find a wealth of information to help. Alternatively if you’d like to speak to a professional directly about your dental options, then why not contact us and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 today.