Do UK Dentists Offer Better Value Than Going Abroad For Dental Implants?

In a recent blog that appeared on a UK cosmetic dentistry cost and clinic comparison site ‘Teethwise’ it was stated that the number of people travelling abroad for dental implant treatment from the UK has dropped significantly in the past decade. According to the founder, Eoin Holohan the UK now supplies cheaper implants and other cosmetic treatments so fewer people have the need to look elsewhere. According to Holohan the only foreign dentists who still have patients who travel are those that are able to offer consultations and part of their treatment in the UK.

dental implants in RichmondOne such country that has seen a huge decline in patients from the UK is Hungary. Back in 2005 business was booming and as Hungary had just joined the EU they were experiencing a huge influx of tourists from Europe, including 250,000 UK tourists. At the same time, a dentist who had opened a clinic in Budapest was also travelling to the UK to hold conferences where he would discuss with hundreds of people the benefits of receiving their implants in Hungary. A decade later and that same dentist is wondering where all of his UK patients have gone since he has seen a reduction of 38% in UK nationals seeking implant treatment at his clinic.

So why did it all go wrong?

Holohan explains that the economic climate and price pressures for UK restorative dentistry were the two main factors to cause the decline. Dental implants are a very expensive business which costs thousands of pounds whether in the UK or Hungary and they’re very rarely available on the NHS. Prices can be in excess of £9,000 for 6 implants in the UK and £6,000 in Hungary.


Competition amongst UK dentists made the price of dental implants drop, which are now available at prices often below £800 per implant. Accordingly it makes little sense to travel abroad unless a patient needs 4 implants or more. Sheen Dental for example, place dental implants in Richmond and provide excellent after care so for anyone looking to get just one or two implants it’s a far more attractive option to stay at home.

Implant prices have fallen

Competition amongst manufacturers has also driven down the price of dental implants and many dentists offer a lower cost alternative as well as one with a premium brand. This has caused some of the established manufacturers of dental implants to lower their prices.

Specialist implant clinics

Some dentists have set up specialist clinics for dental implants and charge less because they operate on a high volume basis.

Here at Sheen Dental we may not necessarily be the cheapest but our prices are based on top quality branded implants and a highly experienced dental team. Implants are placed by Dr. Harmit Kalsi who has a wealth of knowledge in dental implants and years of experience. He has even taught undergraduate students and been involved in postgraduate teaching. What’s more we offer two types of finance to help you spread the cost. If you’d like to find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then get in touch with Sheen Dental and book a free no obligation consultation. Call us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at for more information. Trust us to put the smile back on your face.