Do you miss your teeth?
Age is the most obvious cause of missing teeth, but sometimes accidents or illness can be to blame too. If you are struggling with lost teeth then you will know you can experience issues with eating a full diet, speaking normally and feeling comfortable with how you look. Gaps undermine the attractiveness of your smile, and can further compound the problem by causing the face to sag. This is because the lips and cheeks are no longer fully supported from inside as they would be with a full set of teeth. At Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, dental implants have literally changed the lives of many of our patients.
What happens when I have dental implants in Richmond?
The first stage is a consultation in which we check the state of your mouth to ensure that there are no underlying problems which need to be resolved before we proceed.
The implants are small titanium screws that are fitted into the jaw to replace your tooth roots during a minor surgical procedure. As they heal, the jawbone and blood vessels mesh around them to hold them safely in place. When they are stable, they can be used as a secure base for replacement teeth, which are carefully made to match the tone and shape of any existing teeth for a very natural look. Patients who have had dental implants in Richmond have found that they are an effective long-term solution as they provide a secure, permanent restoration.
Why have dental implants?
When you can use your mouth as normal, you can enjoy your favourite foods again and speak without worrying about how you sound. You will also be able to smile with confidence as your new teeth will be something to be proud of. Patients who have dental implants in Richmond find that not having to worry about dentures coming out, being loose or needing to be cleaned, frees them up to enjoy their life again. Having dental implants in Richmond also strengthens the jaw, as they stimulate the bone in the same way as natural tooth roots. This prevents the shrinkage that can occur in people who wear dentures. With the correct care, they can last for decades.