Do You Remember Having Gas At The Dentist?

If you’re old enough to remember the Sony Walkman, the Rubik’s Cube and disco music, then there’s a strong chance that if you’ve had to undergo any major dental work, you’ve experienced gas as a form of general anaesthetic. Memories might have included the sight of a large black mask looming towards you with the overpowering smell of both rubber and gas, the unpleasant, lucid dreams, and the inevitable wooziness and overwhelming sick feeling. Not a great experience right?

dental implants in RichmondNowadays thankfully things have moved on and for anyone undergoing major treatment such as dental implants in Richmond at clinics such as Sheen Dental, there are far more safer, effective ways of giving patients pain management treatments.

Modern techniques

Nowadays local anaesthetics are the preferred choice of treatment and a small injection administered directly into the gum effectively blocks the pain signals sent from the area to the pain receptors in the brain.

Treating nervous patients

What about those patients who simply don’t like the thought of injections and/or who would rather not be aware of the process at all? The good news is that many dental practices offer conscious sedation.

Unlike the older style ‘gas’ modern day patients are able to take advantage of a combination of gas and air. This is in the form of nitrous oxide and is very similar to what many pregnant women have at the time of giving birth. It’s odourless, tasteless, and doesn’t give you a sick feeling. Instead it places you in a dream-like, care-free state but in a good way. Although you remain awake you’ll feel no pain. What’s more any symptoms of the mixture disappear pretty quickly once the small nose clip has been taken off leaving you feeling normal.

What about those who really don’t like the thought of gas?

For those who don’t like the idea of inhalation, then conscious sedation can also be administered intravenously. This is usually via a small cannula placed in the back of the hand where a measured amount of sedative and analgesia are taken into the body via the vein. During sedation your blood pressure, breathing, and pulse rate are monitored very closely as a routine precaution while you gently drift off in a dream-like state.

If you’d like to consider a dental implant in Richmond but feel somewhat anxious about the whole process then come and speak to Sheen Dental. With years of experience successfully placing implants, we employ the latest techniques to make sure that all patients are calm, relaxed and feel no pain. Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation with us where you can get your concerns answered by Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.