Does Age Play A Part In The Availability Of Dental Implants?

In the 21st century people are living longer due to massive advancements in healthcare, nutrition, and medicine. That said many of the older generation have already suffered missing teeth due to factors such as tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore it’s understandable that many might be seriously considering dental implants in Richmond as an alternative to the rigours of long-term denture wear. However this begs the question – Does age play a significant part in the availability of implant-based restorations?

dental implants in RichmondThe good news is that you’re never too old to undergo treatment for dental implants. In fact a quick search on the internet shows that there are plenty of examples of people in their 80’s who have decided to undergo implant surgery. Even if teeth have been missing for many years a skilled implant surgeon will be able to place new prosthetics that will give a person many years of improved quality of life. The bottom line is that in people of an older age, dental implants should always be a consideration, especially when their other options are conventional dentures and bridges.

So we’ve talked about upper age limits, but what about lower age limits? Is it feasible for children to undergo dental implant treatment for example?

The issue with children is that they are still developing in a way that bone is still growing. Clearly this has an effect on dental implants which need to be anchored into the jawbone to achieve a strong platform. What may be secure now may become loose as the child’s bone continues to grow.

In children or teenagers who have suffered an accident such as a sporting injury and have lost teeth a dentist might suggest that a temporary replacement be made such as a partial denture, crown, or bridge and when that person has finished bone growth, usually 16 in girls and 18 in boys, the temporary restorations can then be replaced with dental implants.

As you can see, age does play a part in the availability of dental implants but only at the younger end of the spectrum and certainly not in older people. As long as they’re physically fit and healthy, then there’s no reason why dental implants in Richmond shouldn’t be a preferred choice.

To find out more then why not contact Sheen Dental and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your dental options. To make an appointment visit us online at or phone us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to welcoming you.