Does Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery Really Hurt?

One of the criteria that might dissuade a patient from undergoing a dental implant in Richmond is because it involves a surgical procedure and surgical procedures (particularly the dental variety) hurt right? Actually NO and this may come as a surprise to many, but a culmination of expert skill and a carefully controlled amount of anaesthetic work to make the procedure pain free.

But what about patients with more complex issues?

dental implants in RichmondAgain the procedure is pretty much the same except a patient may be given some form of conscious sedation to help them feel completely relaxed. The procedure itself may take a little while longer, especially if fitting multiple dental implants, but most patients who are given conscious sedation are surprised at how quickly the surgery goes by. In fact many don’t even recollect anything about the procedure at all. So when we say it’s pain free, we really do mean it!

What about afterwards?

Clearly as with any form of invasive surgical procedure there may well be some slight discomfort afterwards but again this depends on the complexity of the surgery. For instance it’s perfectly feasible for a patient who’s undergone a straight forward dental implant in Richmond to go back to work the very next day feeling healthy and well. However for more complex cases such as multiple implants, sinus lifts or bone grafts, patients should expect a small amount of pain and possibly some slight bruising or swelling. Any pain they do have is usually easily managed using over-the-counter pain killers such as Aspirin and Paracetamol and swelling is usually brought under control using a balance of hot and cold compresses and anti-inflammatory pills such as Ibuprofen. Your dental surgeon will instruct you on how best to manage any pain you may have, but the bottom line is that it should never be unmanageable. If it is then seek advice from your dentist immediately.

Finally, what about recovery?

Because everyone is different recovery times vary. As stated earlier, for the individual that has undergone a simple and straight forward implant, they should expect to be back to normal within 1-2 days. Alternatively for more complex procedures, then a patient should be looking to make a full recovery in 10-12 days.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can help you then contact Sheen Dental. Dr Kalsi and the team have been successfully placing implants for many years so you can rest assured that you’ll be in safe hands. To book a free consultation either visit our website at or phone us directly on 020 8876 5277.