Enjoy Your Favourite Foods With Dental Implants

It’s not uncommon for patients about to undergo a major dental procedure such as dental implants in Richmond to wonder whether the dental work will look and feel natural and function effectively, or whether it will impact on their daily life. Thankfully with dental implants patients can enjoy benefits which are comparable to natural teeth due to a strong design made from titanium and implanted surgically into the jawbone by an implant dentist. Crowns, bridgework, or dentures are then placed over the exposed section of the implants to create a seamless natural smile which looks, feels, and functions perfectly in the patient’s mouth.

dental implants richmondUnlike other forms of tooth replacement treatment, implants replicate the entire structure of a natural tooth, meaning that they perform in almost the same way. Typically this means that patients don’t have to alter their diets or adjust their lifestyles. The durability of the implant is equal to, if not even stronger, than a natural tooth, and allows the patient to bite and chew their favourite foods with ease. The implant itself, actually acts as a replacement tooth root and is considered even stronger than a natural tooth root due to it being made from titanium and its optimum placement in the jawbone. Once the crown has been placed then the metal implant is not visible.

The metal implant post is surgically embedded into the jawbone where after a time is fuses with the surrounding bone and gum tissue which keeps it securely and permanently in place. If a patient has begun to experience bone loss, then the surgeon can carry out a bone graft treatment to further reinforce the jawbone and support the implant. Combined with a prosthetic crown, the design of the implant is built for endurance and performance and in many cases can last for the rest of a patient’s life. The implant is strong enough that patients can comfortably chew meats, bread, crunchy fruit and vegetables, as well as their other favourite foods. However, it is advisable to steer clear of crunching ice cubes and biting down onto pen lids and pencil tops, which could cause damage.

If you’d like more information about getting a dental implant in Richmond then we invite you to book a free no obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. Our experienced team has been placing implants for many years and have hundreds of satisfied customers, so you’re definitely in safe hands. To book a consultation online visit www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us direct on 020 8876  5277. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.