Ever heard of micro dental implants? A quick guide from Sheen Dental
Are you eager to close a gap in your teeth, but have been told you aren’t suited for regular endosteal implants?

Don’t worry! You can still have that annoying gap closed and, if you have an issue surrounding jaw density, you may be the perfect candidate to have mini implants fitted.
At Sheen Dental, we are proud of the range of dental implants Richmond that we can offer and we are always eager to help someone restore their smile to its former glory. A popular alternative to endosteal, mini implants are easier to fit, take less time to heal and can provide you with a functional and aesthetically pleasing finish. What more could you want?
But what are mini dental implants Richmond and how do they differ from regular implants?
What do they look like?
Physically, mini dental implants Richmond look almost identical to regular endosteal implants. The only real difference is the size!
Endosteal implants range from 3.5 mm to 4.2 mm in diameter; however, mini or micro-implants are usually between 1.8 mm to 3.3 mm, so they are much thinner and shorter. But at a first glance, they will look like a thin titanium pin.
How are they used in restorative dental care?
Mini implants have a few restrictions when it comes to regular restorative procedures.
For instance, they cannot support the weight of a prosthetic bridge, partial bridge, denture or partial denture. And so, they are reserved for use with the placement of single crowns and prosthetics.
In short, mini implants are suitable for patients who have minimal amounts of jawbone left, and would otherwise be excluded from having regular implants fitted.
Are they fitted in the same way as regular implants?
Yes, they are but the fitting time is usually over a quicker period.
Like endosteal options, there may be some drilling required into the jawbone to fit the implant, but as you may have guessed, the hole won’t be so deep or so wide. Once fitted, your gum will be sewn into place, allowing for the area to heal.
However, different from regular implants, you may be able to have your prosthetic teeth fitted on the same day with mini implants, but the fusing time is still required for the implant to become completely stable in your jaw.
Do they require fusing time?
Yes, they do.
But as the implants are thinner and are not embedded so deeply into the jaw, this time is minimal when compared to endosteal or zygomatic implants.
Depending on your age, health and other health concerns, you can expect your mini implants to take between 1-2 months to fuse, but this time may be faster. Either way, our team will be keeping an eye on their fusing using X-rays, so you will have your prosthetics fitted as soon as possible!
How long do they last?
Mini implants have been recorded to last up to 10 years, but at the end of this period they will often need replacing.