Everything You Need To Know About Gum Disease

Although gum disease is an extremely common problem, many people don’t even know that they have the condition. This makes it particularly difficult when a patient opts for dental implants in Richmond because even the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis) can be potentially harmful to newly placed implants.

dental implants in RichmondSurprisingly if caught early, then treating the problem can be relatively simple and this is why it’s important to attend regular check-ups with your dentist. In order to help understand the symptoms and the treatments, here’s a quick guide about everything you need to know.

Gum disease in its mildest form is known as gingivitis and the symptoms you can expect are swelling or inflammation of the gums. If gingivitis isn’t treated at this early stage then it can worsen and turn into periodontal disease. This occurs when the seal between the gums and the teeth starts wearing away and infection creeps in. Over time the disease slowly erodes the bone tissue which will in turn undermine the teeth causing them to become loose. Periodontal disease can often result in painful teeth and a particularly bad taste in the mouth.

So what causes gum disease?

In essence, plaque. This is the sticky, jam like substance that’s left behind on the teeth after consuming food and drink. Plaque is relatively easy to remove by regular and thorough brushing and flossing. However problems start to occur when the plaque is allowed to build up. As it does so it hardens and turns into tartar or calculus. This cannot be removed by brushing alone and overtime will start to build up at the base of the gums. In turn tartar causes inflamed gums and bleeding when you brush your teeth.

Smoking can also exacerbate the onset of gum disease because when you smoke the composition of the bacteria contained within the plaque changes. Certain chemicals found in tobacco also slow down the blood flow to the gums making them vulnerable to attack. Latest records show that around 90% of smokers suffer from gum disease in one form or another.

What do you need to do?

If you discover any blood while brushing or your gums feel a little sensitive then it’s advisable to get your teeth checked out. Your dentist/hygienist will treat it by thoroughly cleaning the area using specialist equipment. If the area is particularly bad, you may have to visit your dentist a few times to make sure that all the tartar and bacteria are removed.

If you’re looking to undergo treatment to fit a dental implant in Richmond, but feel you may have gum disease, then come and speak to Sheen Dental. We make certain that the area the implant is to be fitted into is in the best possible health before we start. This means your implant will stand a far greater chance of success. Why not book a no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team to discuss your options, Either contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or directly on 020 8876 5277 today.