Everything You Need To Know About Sinus Lifting

If you’re considering having dental implants in Richmond because of missing teeth in the upper jaw area you might find that you also need a sinus lift. It’s a relatively common procedure but one that could be vital to the success of newly placed implants. Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about the process.

Why is a sinus lift carried out?

dental implants in RichmondImplants need a minimum amount of space in order that they are properly anchored into position. Sometimes when the natural molars are removed or are missing the maxillary sinus (located above the molars) will increase in size therefore filling the required space where the implant needs to go.

So how do you know if you need a sinus lift?

Before any implantations are carried out a thorough check of the area using a series of x-rays and CT scans will indicate whether there is sufficient bone thickness and mass to place the implants into. It will also highlight the size and whereabouts of the maxillary sinus in relation to where the implant needs to go. If the area is impeded them a sinus lift is the best course of action.

Is it dangerous to carry out?

It’s a straight forward surgical procedure usually carried out in the dental chair. It involves making a small incision in the roof of the gum and into the wall of the membrane which holds the maxillary sinus. The sinus is then elevated and bone tissue is then deposited into the space that remains. Over time the new bone tissue will fuse with the remaining bone tissue to create a new ‘false roof’ which not only houses the maxillary sinus built also acts as a built up area of bone into which the implant can be placed. The surgery itself takes less than an hour and if carried out in the right hands shouldn’t be problematic. That said like any type of surgery, there’s always the risk of complications. In this case these include

  • A risk of bone graft failure
  • Chronic sinusitis and
  • Possible infections

What about healing time?

Clearly time is needed in order for the newly placed bone tissue to heal and this can take somewhere between 4 and 9 months. Obviously if the sinus is larger, a greater amount of bone is needed and therefore healing time will become greater.

What do you need to do immediately after surgery?

Firstly plenty of rest is needed and a patient should always try to avoid bending over for the first few days. The head should remain in vertical position particularly for the first few hours and patients should refrain from blowing the nose. Any prescribed nasal sprays and antibiotics should also be taken and if necessary the area should be rinsed gently with salt water to speed up the healing process. Usually after 2 weeks patients should be able to return to normal activities.

So what’s the conclusion?

Research has shown that a dental implant in Richmond is more successful when placed in grafted sinus areas as opposed to non-grafted areas. In essence the sinus lift operation allows dental surgeons to increase the amount of bone available in the posterial jaw leading to the placing of longer implants. This in turn helps with greater stability.

To find out more about sinus lifts or indeed any other aspect of dental implants in Richmond then who not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Kalsi and the team. To make an appointment contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or phone directly on 020 8876 5277 today.