Exploring The Benefits Of Implant Supported Dentures

If you’ve lost one or more teeth due to decay, trauma, or poor oral health then it could be said that a dental implant in Richmond give you a second chance to regain a full set of natural looking teeth. In fact it’s true to say that there is no other dental restoration which comes close to implants which have the ability to replace the entire tooth structure. Once an implant is placed it looks, feels, and even acts just like a real tooth.

dental implants in RichmondThat’s all well and good, but you’re probably wondering what all this has to do with dentures. Well, as anyone who wears conventional dentures knows, they’re not really an especially good substitute for a person’s real teeth since they make talking difficult, they slip out of place, and nine times out of ten they’re uncomfortable and make the gums and mouth sore. Even modern day cosmetic dentures are no real match for natural teeth.

Conversely implant supported dentures stay where they’re supposed to – in your mouth. Not only do they look totally natural but they’re stable and strong, allowing a patient to eat, speak, and smile with confidence once more.

Benefits of implant supported dentures

  • Stability – Implant supported dentures are anchored to the jaw by titanium posts which fuse with the surrounding bone and tissue making them a permanent fixture in the mouth. As a result they provide the sort of stability that no adhesive or clasp could possibly provide.
  • No special cleaning – Unlike removable dentures which require special cleaning tablets to rid them of bacteria, implant retained dentures are simply brushed and flossed in the same way as natural teeth so fit simply into a person’s daily oral routine.
  • Improved functionality – Implant retained dentures are able to withstand a greater bite force than removable dentures which means the wearer can bite confidently into a crunchy apple or chew on a piece of steak with renewed ease. Speaking is also back to normal with none of the slurring or lisp that’s associated with conventional dentures.
  • Blend in with natural teeth – Conventional dentures rest on the gum-line whereas implant retain dentures are attached below the gum line and this gives them a far more natural appearance that makes it almost impossible to tell them apart from the wearer’s natural teeth.
  • Halt bone loss – When teeth are lost the bone and tissue which supported them begins to shrink because it is no longer being used, and conventional dentures don’t address this problem. However, the body perceives implants as being natural tooth roots and these in turn regenerate bone and tissue growth keeping it healthy and plentiful. Thus implant retained dentures retain the facial structures.

If your dentures are getting you down then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental about how dental implants in Richmond could benefit you. We offer a free consultation which can be booked online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or you can call us direct on 020 8875 5277.