Exploring The Intricacies Of Dental Implant Placement

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then, here at Sheen Dental, we thought it might be a good idea to post a blog about the factors that contribute to a successful dental implant placement.

dental implants in RichmondIf you’ve done any research then you’ll know that implants are placed into the jawbone via precision drilled holes and that crowns are then placed on top of these. Sounds simple enough, right? However when we start to break down this process then you can start to see how advanced this technique really is, and what factors can influence its success or failure.

Placing the implant

This is a very precise and sophisticated process and much of its success depends on the experience of the surgeon placing the implant. To begin with the exact position of the placement is vital for several reasons. Before placing an implant Dr. Harmit Kalsi has to determine that the patient has sufficient bone depth and width in which to position the implant. If this is not the case then often the bone density can be given a boost with a bone graft.

Once this has taken effect then a series of X-rays and scans will be used so that the surgeon can gauge the exact position for the implant so as to avoid hitting any nerves. The correct position also makes sure that other teeth aren’t forced to shift position and become crooked because of poor placement.

The implant

The dental implant itself is a key player in the implant procedure even though it looks fairly basic. Usually implants are made from titanium since this is a metal that isn’t rejected by the body, and it’s also very light and extremely strong.


This is a natural process which occurs in the months following the placement of the implant. Basically, the surrounding bone starts to grow over the titanium post to hold it securely in place so that it can support the weight of a crown, bridge or denture. Because the implant acts as a replica tooth root and stimulates the bone through the action of biting and chewing, bone loss is halted and the jaw retains it natural structure. In addition, Richmond patients find that they can eat all of their favourite foods again, which often leads to a better diet and a healthier lifestyle.


A lifelong commitment is vital by patients if their implant is to stand the test of time and this means maintaining a high level of oral hygiene and of attending regular follow-up appointments with the dentist to ensure there are no problems.

If you’re interested in learning more about getting dental implants in Richmond then why not contact Sheen Dental today by calling 020 8876 5277 or alternatively you can contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.