Exploring The Number One Reason Why Implants Fail

There’s no getting away from the fact that dental implants in Richmond are a great way to replace missing teeth. In fact the implantation process is considered the most life like form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows. Despite this, it isn’t full proof and yes – some implants do actually fail.

dental implants in RichmondThere are a number of reasons a dental implant can fail but for the purposes of this post, we’ll concentrate on the number one reason and that’s bacteria.

Despite the fact that implants are super-strong, super durable, and long-lasting, they can suffer from attack by bacteria. If bacteria is allowed to develop it can attack the gum line in and around the implant causing infection. This is otherwise known as peri-implantitis. These are the same bacteria that just so happen to cause gum disease around your natural teeth. This is why it’s imperative that an implant patient commits to high standards of oral cleanliness and hygiene.

So how do you keep bacteria at bay?

The answer is exactly the same way as you would your normal teeth. By brushing, flossing, and rinsing regularly it’s a great way to keep bacteria at bay. However that’s not all. As with your normal teeth you may well overtime experience a build up of plaque known as tartar. Tartar is particularly difficult to remove by brushing alone, yet if left, it can start to attack the bone and gum. When it’s particularly bad the implant will eventually fall out.

In addition, the early stages of peri-implantitis are very hard to spot, especially for a non-dentist. What’s more, in most cases it isn’t painful either. For this reason and the reasons above a regular dental assessment is important. Not only will the dentist carry out a thorough investigation of your mouth to see that everything is as it should but the hygienist will also give it a thorough clean to make sure that no tartar or bacteria are ominously lurking.

So how often should I have a dental assessment?

Dental assessments otherwise known as check-ups are usually carried out at least once a year but preferably every six months. This way an implant dentist can spot any problems or issues early on and deal with them before they get out of hand.

I guess you can look on it as an ongoing commitment by your dentist to look after your teeth. That said it is a two way thing and if you aren’t fulfilling your end of the bargain by practising sound oral hygiene techniques then you may as well give up.

It you want to find out more about how you can maintain a healthy implant and a healthy mouth or indeed want to know anything at all about a dental implant in Richmond then contact Sheen Dental. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been successfully fitting implants for many years and understand first hand what it takes to prolong the life of your implants. So contact us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. It’s probably the best thing that you can do for your oral and overall health.