Exploring The Real Benefits Of Dental Implants

A smile is who you are and is one of the first things that people notice about you. The key to a beautiful smile is healthy teeth, but many of us at some time or another may need decayed or damaged teeth replacing with alternatives such as dental implants in Richmond, if we’re to hang on to that smile for the remainder of our lives. So what are the real benefits of dental implants? Let’s take a look.

dental-implantsKeeps you looking more youthful

Yes, it’s true. Our bodies are designed with our teeth in mind and your cheeks, lips, and skin on your face looks taut and more firm when there are teeth to cover. People who age and lose their teeth develop a sagging appearance which makes them look older than their years. Dental implants are embedded into the jaw and act like tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and preventing the bone loss which causes the jaw to degenerate and the face to lose its shape. Dental implants will get you smiling and looking more youthful.

Relationship and career success

How often have you first been attracted to someone because of their smile? In fact a well known dating site recently reported that men found women more attractive if they were smiling, regardless of whether or not they were wearing make-up.

Many of us hide our smiles not because we’re unfriendly but because we’re embarrassed about gaps or decayed teeth showing. If you hide your smile, then did you know it could also affect your career prospects? People who smile a lot are perceived as being more confident, so not only could dental implants help you find a partner, but it could get you a job promotion too.

Lose weight and stay that way

How many people are dictated by their teeth and resort to eating something which is easier rather than healthier? By getting dental implants you can easily bite and chew crunchy fruit and vegetables, nuts, and other healthier options to help you stay slim. Jaw bones too need exercise to stay healthy and this is achieved by chewing. Dental implants act like natural teeth and allow you to bite and chew healthier options to say, doughnuts and other sugary treats.

If you’d like to learn more about what a dental implant in Richmond can do for your oral and overall well-being then why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. You’ll get to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, take a tour of our facilities, and get all your questions answered. Call us today on 020 886 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.