Filling in on how dental implants in Richmond could change your life
Retake control of your smile

Here at Sheen Dental Implants, we understand that those who live with one or more missing teeth can often find day-to-day life to be a challenge. Activities that the majority of us take for granted, such as speaking clearly or eating are often largely problematic and can cause great discomfort. In addition to this, as if to add insult to injury, those who live with one missing tooth or more, often find their self-esteem and confidence to be greatly knocked and many social problems arising. However, here at Sheen Dental we urge all those whose lives could benefit from dental implants in Richmond to seek out the treatment which has the capacity to solve the problem long term and restore their smiles and self-confidence once and for all.
How are dental implants different from other treatments?
Our patients who have lived daily with a missing tooth or teeth often ask us how dental implant treatment differs from other, more common treatments such as dental crowns or bridges. To this, we explain that whilst crowns and bridges are an effective enough way of visibly filling in a gap in a patient’s teeth, they are not as structurally solid as dental implants, as they only address the issue on a superficial basis. Dental implants in Richmond however, solve the issue of having one or more missing teeth at the root, by creating an artificial tooth root which is placed within the bone structure of the patient. As such, it is a procedure which only has to be carried out once to yield practically permanent and effective results which both look and feel exactly as natural teeth ought to, and afford those who seek them all the privileges of a full set of healthy teeth.
What does the procedure entail?
For patients who feel that they could benefit from dental implants in Richmond and wish to begin with the procedure, the first stage in their dental journey would typically be a consultation with one of our experts here at Sheen Dental Implants. During this consultation, an assessment of the patient’s dental health will be made to determine whether or not they are fit enough to carry out the procedure, and the patients can ask their trusted practitioner any questions they may have about the process, timescale or anything of interest about dental implants. Then, if both the practitioner and patient feel willing to proceed, a small dental operation will be carried out during which the patient’s gum is stripped back to the bone – in the space where they are missing teeth – and short holes are made into their jawbone. Into these holes, an artificial tooth root made of titanium-alloy is inserted. As the titanium socket must become fused with the patient’s jawbone, it has to be deeply embedded. Following a healing period which allows the titanium-alloy root to merge with the patient’s jawbone, a replica tooth is then fixed in place onto the root, and therefore the space is now bridged in a way which is exactly how a natural tooth would do it. As such, a patient’s teeth look and feel exactly as they would if they were all natural, and can eat, smile, speak and enjoy their lives to the full – unaltered by missing teeth.