Four Important Steps To Take If You Experience A Loose Dental Implant

A dental implant in Richmond doesn’t fail very often. That’s The Good news! The bad news however is that on rare occasions (usually less that 2% of the time) they will. So what happens if you’re in that 2% bracket and experience a loose implant. What should you do? Here are four important steps to take.

Step 1 – Book an urgent appointment

dental implants in RichmondWhen you eventually discover that all’s not right with your implant, you need to act quickly. The reason is that implant problems aren’t very often painful, or even noticeable, especially in the early stages. This means that more often than not, by the time you discover the problem implant failure is in the latter stages. Sometimes if you’re quick enough your implant dentist may be able to solve the problem without having to remove it, but obviously, speed is of the essence.

Step 2 – Don’t touch it

Just like a loose tooth try to resist the urge to wiggle or move it. Any movement is likely to wear away any existing bone tissue that might just be supporting the implant making it more difficult to fix. Therefore after discovering the unfortunate problem, leave it well alone.

Step 3 – Be careful how you chew

Chewing is usually no problem for a solid implant but a loose one … that’s a different matter! If your implant is loose, any chewing is likely to place undue stress on the area and will only serve to exacerbate the problem. As a result either avoid chewing on the implant area, or alternatively, revert to a soft diet until you are able to see the dentist.

Step 4 – Follow up with ongoing treatment

Whatever the outcome, there’s a strong chance that you’ll need ongoing treatment. This treatment is likely to be key to the success of your loose implant so however busy you are, make sure you set aside sufficient time to be able to attend any further appointments as and when required. Your dental implant depends upon it!

If you’d like to find out further information about dental implants in Richmond of indeed would like to know what to do in the event of a loose implant then contact Sheen Dental. We’ve been successfully fitting implant-retained dentures and dental implants for many years. As such we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To make a booking ether visit our website at, or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you.