Frequently Asked Questions About Implant Retained Dentures

It’s fairly common knowledge that dental implants in Richmond can also be used to support and retain a set of dentures. In fact it’s becoming a far more common procedure amongst patients who suffer from multiple missing teeth. If you’re looking to find out more about how the treatment works, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision.

How does an implant support a denture?

dental implants in RichmondDepending upon how many teeth you have missing will depend upon the number of implants needed. Typically those who are missing entire rows of teeth require just 4-6 implants to support a full set of dentures. As the name suggests implants are ‘implanted’ directly into the jaw bone and over time will fuse with the surrounding bone issue, This creates a super-strong, stand-alone platform that acts as a support for a full arch of prosthetic teeth. Once the implants have stabilised, the denture clips into place on top of them, so unlike conventional dentures – there’s no chance of them moving about.

Why are they removable?

While some dentists offer implant retained dentures that can’t be removed, except by a dentist, we prefer to let you be in control of when you want to take your dentures in and out. The reason for this is that food and bacteria can and will become trapped under your dentures. Having the freedom to remove them allows for proper daily cleaning. This is vital to both the health of your gums and their longevity. By fixing them permanently, it makes it far more difficult to achieve this.

Another reason we make dentures removable is because there may be times when your dentures will need repairing. By being able to remove the denture easily any repairs can be carried out with the minimum of hassle.

What about my existing dentures – Can I use these in combination with my new implants?

On a temporary basis it’s certainly possible but it’s worth remembering that your conventional denture isn’t really designed to function with implants. They are often too fragile to be used as permanent implant based restorations. Normally it’s feasible to wear your dentures for 6-8 weeks while your new set of implant retained dentures are being constructed. After this time it’s best to switch.

Am I eligible for implant retained dentures?

By scheduling a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team we’ll assess your needs and give you the answers you’re searching for. Whether that’s dental implants in Richmond or other methods of tooth replacement, we’ll give you the information you need so that you can make a final decision about your dental health. To book your consultation either visit our website at or contact Sheen Dental direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.