Getting To Grips With The Cost Of Dental Implants

There’s no denying that dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere are the best means of replacing badly decayed and missing teeth, and it’s seeing patients smiling broadly thanks to their “new” smiles which makes our job so rewarding. However, there is one significant factor which puts off many people from opting for dental implants and that’s cost. These are the thoughts which, in our opinion, are probably going through the head of a patient contemplating implants:

  • Is there an alternative which is cheaper?
  • Would another dental clinic be cheaper?
  • Is having a missing tooth such a big deal anyhow?
  • How the heck am I going to pay for an implant?

dental implants in RichmondSo, here are the answers to those questions:

Cheaper alternatives

Depending on the individual circumstances there may be cheaper alternatives such as a dental bridge or a set of removable dentures. However, we’re in the business to provide the best quality of service to our patients and we feel that dental implants fit that brief. Having said that, however we will always discuss all of the options with our patients so that together we can make the best decision.

Would another dental clinic be cheaper?

Implant dentistry is a highly specialised surgical procedure and necessitates extensive training and investment in top quality equipment. Why do the costs vary so much, after all we’ve seen advertisements for dental implants starting at £250 ourselves?

All dentists are not created equal– The complexities and engineering of implant dentistry are not something that is learned at dental school. Instead a dentist needs to undergo many, many hours of additional training and possess the commitment and dedication to provide the best service ever.

Not all implants are created equal – Just as you can pay varying prices for granite kitchen counters for example, so there are different grades of titanium used in the manufacture of dental implants. Whilst you could possibly afford to compromise in your kitchen, opting for a cheaper implant made from inferior materials, is not such a good idea particularly when you’re going through surgery and the implant is to be placed just inches from your brain.

Is not replacing a tooth such a big deal? – We regularly see patients who have come from other dental clinics and yet still have concerns and questions to ask. In other words, some clinics fail to take the time to educate a patient fully on what could happen long term if the problem is ignored as well as telling them all there is know about the dental implant procedure, possible risks, and the many benefits they can expect.

Cheap implants that are seen advertised on billboards are often extremely misleading since the price often refers to just one part of the treatment and fails to include the prices for other procedures which are needed in conjunction with the surgery itself.

Another important aspect of getting a dental implant in Richmond is that you feel comfortable with the dental clinic. To this end we offer a free consultation which gives you the chance to meet the team, get your questions and concerns answered, and take a tour of our facilities. This is totally without obligation but means that should you decide to go ahead, you’re stepping into familiar territory, so to speak. We also offer finance options to help spread the cost of implants. If you’d like to know more, then give Sheen Dental a call today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at