Got Missing Front Teeth – What Are Your Options?

If you’ve experienced missing front teeth then dental implants in Richmond might not be your first thought. The problem is that our natural teeth are super-strong and carry out millions of chewing movements every year without us even noticing. When they aren’t there, suddenly chewing becomes problematic and can ultimately lead to a reduced function when eating.

dental implants in RichmondAside from this there’s also the aesthetic situation. Unlike other teeth, front teeth are prominent in the mouth and as a result will give you a noticeable ‘gappy’ appearance every time you speak or smile. This can affect your self-confidence as well as the possibility of annunciation problems when speaking. For many years the solution for missing from teeth has either been a partial denture or a conventional bridge. However both come with their own set of problems.

Dentures for example can take a lot of getting used to and in many cases remain uncomfortable to wear. In addition they can cover the palate area which affects taste. Prolonged use can also cause the gum to weaken, which can have an effect on other remaining teeth. Dentures that become loose or are ill-fitting can also rub on the gum area causing it to become sore.

Traditionally bridges have been used to replace missing front teeth but again they can be problematic. They rely on the support of adjacent natural teeth to take the framework which carries the prosthetic crowns. However in order for the teeth to ‘take’ the framework they have to be ground down. Clearly this goes against the grain of trying to save teeth, as these teeth are also now compromised,

So what’s the alternative?

A dental implant in Richmond doesn’t just replace a single tooth. Instead, once anchored into position in the jaw line it can also act as a base to support a framework for a bridge, or as one of several implants that support a partial or full arch of dentures. Because implants are stand alone replacements they don’t require the use of any other natural teeth, thus helping them to remain healthy. In addition they help to keep partial or full dentures firmly in place so there’s no need to worry about denture slippage. Finally implants can also halt the bone loss process once and for all and it’s the only form of restoration to be able to do this.

If you have missing front teeth and don’t want to suffer the consequences of having a conventional bridge or partial denture fitted but want to bring back your smile, then dental implants may well be the best option.

To discuss your dental options, why not speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To book your free consultation either visit our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. Don’t let your missing front teeth become an ongoing problem.