Harness the power of a full set of teeth through Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond
More than meets the eye

Here at Sheen Dental Implants, it is our aim to educate patients who are living with one or more lost teeth of the potentially damaging effects that this can have on their overall well-being and how they could benefit from Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond. Contrary to what some patients may believe, having a missing tooth is not purely a cosmetic issue. Many patients who have a missing tooth – particularly one at the back of their mouth which may not always be visible – feel that treatment is unnecessary. However, in reality there are several long-term damaging effects of having an untreated lost tooth, which may make the prospect of receiving treatment here at Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond seem a far more appealing alternative.
Problems of a missing tooth
Those who have a full set of teeth, don’t usually appreciate the extent to which they utilise them on a daily basis, and just how much they help. If a tooth is lost, then chewing even simple foods can become far more challenging, and – if food is not properly chewed – it can lead to digestive issues following as a result. Another concern which is faced by many who have a missing tooth is the alteration in the structure of their face. This is due to bone loss around the affected area. As there is no longer stimulation within the patient’s jawbone around the space where they are missing a tooth, the body naturally reabsorbs the bone tissue and disperses it elsewhere. The results of this usually lead to the entire structure of the patient’s face being changed, and can often make them appear far older than they are. This, as you can imagine, does not typically have a positive impact on the self-esteem of patients. These reasons, amongst others, are why we urge those who could benefit from it to speak to our approachable experts here at Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond to seize control of their smiles and oral health.
What does it entail?
Anyone who has made the decision to take action against the troubles of having a missing tooth, and to possibly permanently solve them through dental implant treatment, must first consult with one of our specialists at Sheen Dental Implants. This consultation allows the patient to have any questions they may have answered, and allows the specialists to make their preliminary examination of the patient’s teeth and oral health. Then, provided that there is nothing such as periodontal (gum) disease which may prevent treatment from continuing, and the patient feels content with the process, the installation of the implant will take place. This involves a short dental operation in which a titanium socket – which will serve as the false tooth’s root – is embedded deeply inside the patient’s jawbone within the gap where they are missing teeth. After this procedure, there is a short healing period during which the bone of the patient’s jaw merges itself with the titanium-alloy root. After this, a prosthetic tooth is fixed onto the root and the space is filled in a way which is almost identical to how a natural tooth would do the job. As such, it is an almost permanent solution and the patient can enjoy all the luxuries of a full set of teeth indefinitely.