Hit The Dairy Aisle And Combat Gum Disease

Here at Sheen Dental we’ve been carrying out dental implants in Richmond for several years and whilst we’re naturally pleased to help a patient restore their smile, as dentists out main goal is to help patients hang on to their natural teeth for as long as possible.

dental implants in RichmondGum disease or periodontitis is the leading contributor to the loss of teeth. The foods that we consume play a major role in both our general health as well as our oral health and as was shown in a study carried out by the American Academy of Periodontology most of us could benefit from making dairy a major part of our diets.

The regular consumption of dairy produce such as cheese, yoghurt and milk not only strengthens bone and tooth health but can also promote the health of gums. The lactic acid contained in these products can help strengthen tooth attachment by helping to prevent gum recession. Problems with teeth such as decay and cavities occur when bacteria on the teeth turn sugary substances and starches into plaque creating a build up of acids around the teeth. This in turn can damage the outer enamel surface of the teeth. Our mouths produce saliva which acts as a buffer against acid to help protect the teeth but when it comes under fire from just too much acidity, then dental problems are likely to happen.

One of the easiest ways to prevent this acid erosion to teeth is by eating cheese after every meal. Alkali contained in cheese neutralises acid left from the food that you’ve eaten. Sweet foods such as cakes and biscuits and sugary drinks such as coca cola are particularly acidic, so eating cheese after these is very effective.

Cheddar cheese is one of the best cheeses to eat since it contains high levels of phosphorous and calcium. These prevent or reduce decreases in the ph level of plaque and also work to repair the enamel on the teeth. For those of you who are watching your weight, it doesn’t even have to be a big chunk. A small piece after every meal is a good way of improving the health of your teeth. Gum disease causes the loss of teeth and bone and has also been shown to contribute to other conditions such as strokes, certain types of heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Not only is dairy good for building healthy bones but for maintaining oral health too. The next time you’re in need of a snack, reach out for a glass of milk or a piece of cheese and with each sip or bite you can feel happy in the knowledge that you’re preserving your smile and oral health. In the unfortunate event that you have suffered tooth loss, then let us restore your smile with a dental implant in Richmond. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more information.