How can dental implants in Richmond improve my quality of life?
Having dental implants can at first seem like a really big, invasive thing to have done and we would definitely agree with you. Dental implants in Richmond are not something that should be rushed into. There are lots of things to think about including if you are really ready to have them fitted. Having said this we believe that when a person is ready dental implants can be life-changing and here’s why.

Physical benefits of dental implants
When a person loses a tooth or multiple teeth often the level of trauma involved is greatly downplayed by society. It has been reported that for some the loss of a tooth can bring the same amount of shame and upset as that of losing a limb. Our bodies are clever things and they understand the implications of losing a tooth far more than many in society do and in truth how much we think it will affect our own lives.
Dental implants in Richmond offer the patient to heal some of this physical trauma – whilst dentures and bridges are still excellent options they don’t give the patient back their old lifestyle with the nature of how they work they can leave a person feeling anxious and uncomfortable firstly with how they look, secondly with how they fit and thirdly with how secure they are. Not to mention the fact you have to remove your dentures every night, a reminder of what you’ve lost. Dental implants are fixed and specially designed to look exactly like your natural teeth so no need to worry about people noticing a difference in your smile or that you could have an awkward slip whilst eating.
Often we find with dentures or bridges people can be self-conscious about their speaking with a whistling sound or lisp with dental implants in Richmond this won’t be an issue.
Psychological benefits
Having a smile you are proud of is deeply linked to your psyche. If you wake up every day and spend precious brain power wondering how your teeth look or if people are staring at them over time this is going to have detrimental effects on your mental health. We all lead very busy, stressful lives filled with friends, family and work commitments so imagining how great it would be to be able to claim back some confidence over your appearance so you can spend more brain power on the things that really matter – your life and the people in it.
Then of course let’s not forget, it’s really ok to just want a nice smile, even if you don’t feel any major effects but just want a super nice grin why wait? Dental implants are in some cases really easy and straightforward and you could easily begin the process within a month or so.
If you would like to talk to someone regarding dental implants, get in contact with a member of the team at sheen dental implants. One of the team will happily answer any queries you have.