How Can Your Dentist Help You To Overcome Dental Fear?

For many people who suffer from missing teeth, the only way to permanently fix the problem is by fitting dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental for example, we’ve seen a huge rise in patient numbers wanting implant surgery over the years and for all concerned this is a really positive step. That said there are still those that have developed an irrational fear of the dentist and more often than not, this is what stops them from having the treatment.

dental implants in RichmondThe fact is that dental fear can develop for a number of reasons. It could be the smell of the chemicals, the sound of the drill, or the sight of any dental instruments, or alternatively it could be an innate fear of the dentist themselves which is usually triggered off by experiences going way back to childhood. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to see why dental implant treatment and dental fear simply don’t mix.

That said, it isn’t all doom and gloom for those who do suffer with dental fear as nowadays modern day dentists accept that this is a huge problem and as such dentists are doing more to help you overcome your fears. Here are some of the techniques that many have put in place.

Creating the right atmosphere

Some dentists have gone so far as to create a spa-like atmosphere to help those with dental fear relax. This includes candles, incense, mood lighting and running water for a soothing approach to dentistry. Others have made their practices less cold and clinical by utilising comfy seating, calming pastel shades on the walls, and relaxing music in the reception area. Even subtle nuances like changing the name from ‘dental surgery’ to ‘practice’ or ‘clinic’ or the ‘waiting room’ to the ‘reception area’ can make all the difference.

Relaxation techniques

Many modern day dentists also use tried and tested relaxation techniques to help patients who suffer from dental fear. These include deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and cognitive imaging to prevent people from feeling anxious before and during treatment. Other techniques such as gradual exposure of desensitisation have also proven to be successful.


As the name suggests sedation involves the use of a mild sedative to keep the patient in an alert but totally relaxed state. The sedative usually comes in two forms. As a gas or nitrous oxide which is breathed in through the nose via a small nose clip or via IV (intravenous) injection. This is delivered via a small needle inserted into the back of the hand. Either way, most patients state that they feel completely relaxed – almost in a carefree state. The patient isn’t normally aware of what’s happening during the treatment, but are back to normal soon after, with no side effects.

The bottom line is that in this day and age dentists accept that dental fear is a very real problem and as a patient if you do suffer from dental fear then you need to be up front and honest with your dentist. By doing so it allows them to treat you in different ways that should help you.

If you suffer with dental phobia or fear and are debating about whether you can undergo treatment for dental implants in Richmond then come and have a chat with Sheen Dental. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation service where potential patients can come and talk to us, meet the team and see the premises, before they decide. We’re also on hand to answer any questions or concerns that you might have. To make a booking you can either do so via our website at or by phoning the practice directly on 020 8876 5277.