How Closely Do Dental Implants Replicate A Missing Tooth Root?

If you’ve been considering a dental implant in Richmond then you’ve probably done some research into the treatment and what it involves. One aspect you may have come across is the fact that dental implants mimic a biological tooth root. However what does that mean and how closely does it copy what a tooth root does?

dental implants in RichmondDental implants are small titanium screw-like devices which are embedded into the jawbone at the place where tooth loss has occurred. The implant is then topped with a dental crown or bridge to replace the missing tooth.

One of the most significant advantages of dental implants as a form of tooth replacement is that it is the only system in modern dentistry which replaces all of the natural tooth structure. As well as filling in for the missing tooth by using a dental crown, it also has a root-like structure which sits beneath the gum line to anchor the dental crown or other prosthetic securely in place. Alternative tooth replacement systems such as bridges and dentures only replace the visible part of the tooth that sits above the gum.

Once an oral surgeon has placed the implant into the cavity left by the missing tooth, it’s left to heal for a couple of months during which time the surrounding bone fuses with the implant, creating a physical link that is similar to a natural tooth root and the jaw material surrounding it.

Patients choosing dental implants in Richmond benefit from a number of benefits. The implants feel more natural because they are embedded into the jaw and they can withstand a great biting force than other types of tooth replacement treatments, meaning the patient can eat just about anything they want including crunchy fruit and vegetables, steak, and nuts.

Dental implants also prevent the jaw from erosion, unlike dentures or bridges, which means a person can maintain their facial structures without developing an ageing hollow look.

Finally, dental implants are maintained in the same way as biological teeth with daily brushing and flossing.

If you’ve experienced tooth loss and want a solution that is long lasting and convenient, then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental. We offer a free consultation where you can get your questions answered and find out if you’re a suitable candidate. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at and book your free consultation.