How Comfortable Is A Dental Implant Procedure?

At Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been fitting dental implants in Richmond for over a decade and during that time this is the question that every patient asks us, and understandably so. We know that our patients place huge amounts of trust in us to undergo what for many may seem a daunting process but the truth is that most of our patients are actually surprised by how little discomfort they felt.

It’s all in the planning

dental implants in RichmondWhen patients have an implant-based restoration they are in fact gaining back a body part. So in a strange way it tends to put them more at ease than say, having a tooth extracted. Yes there’s the worry about the unexpected, however we ensure that much of this worry is removed by giving the patient as much information about the process as we can. We meticulously plan every aspect of the procedure so the patient knows at every stage what’s going to happen and they can prepare themselves for it.

What about the surgical process itself?

At our Richmond clinic we use a variety of local anaesthetic and sedation techniques to make sure that the patient is fully relaxed and calm. Most people tell us that they felt no pain during the process at all and were surprised at how quickly it was over.

How about recovery?

Because of the degree of implants placed and the healing abilities of people differ it’s difficult to state exactly how much discomfort an individual will feel. If for example a patient has had a straight forward implant with no other treatment, they’ll probably feel little or no discomfort. In fact most people carry on as normal the day after surgery. Conversely if a patient has had multiple implants and bone augmentation surgery then it’s true they may experience mild to moderate pain. They might also experience some bruising and/or swelling of the area. That said most pain can be brought under control using over-the-counter pain killers, and anti-inflammatory’s will bring down the swelling within a few days. Even under major surgery conditions patients should expect to be back to normal within 3 weeks.

So is it worth it?

Let’s put it this way. Many patients have come to us and told us that the process has been life changing. They can now eat, smile, and speak, without fear or embarrassment and many feel it’s given them a huge confidence boost.

If you want to find out more about what dental implants in Richmond can do for you then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your concerns and questions answered allowing you to make a fully-informed dental decision about your future. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team are looking forward to welcoming you.