How dental implants can restore more than just your smile

At Sheen Dental in Richmond, we can use dental implants to replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth. Tooth replacement is vitally important, not just for your oral health and your confidence in your smile, but also for your general health and well being too.

dental-implants-richmondWhat are dental implants?

It’s incorrect to think of dental implants as replacement teeth. They are in fact replacement tooth roots, which are placed in direct contact with your jaw bone in a small operation at our Richmond dental practice. Once in position the implants serve a dual purpose. First, they hold your new teeth – whether a crown, a bridge, or a denture – securely in your mouth. Secondly, they help to prevent the problem of bone loss.

Bone loss happens when many of the natural tooth roots are missing. It can cause a sagging of the skin around the lower face and jowls, can make dentures loose, and can even in some cases alter the entire appearance of the face.

Benefits of dental implants

Previous implant patients at our Richmond dental clinic are now enjoying the many benefits of dental implants. These include:

  • No more loose dentures
  • Being able to eat a full, healthy diet including the occasional treat
  • Being able to speak clearly and confidently
  • No danger of false teeth falling out, in public or in private.

Richmond dental implants

At Sheen Dental in Richmond, our implant dentist, Dr Harmit Kalsi, can treat anything from a simple single implant and crown restoration to a complex full-mouth procedure, including grafting work to rebuild the density of your jaw bone prior to placing your implants.

We place dental implants under either local anaesthetic or conscious sedation at our modern and fully-equipped Richmond dental practice. Conscious sedation does not mean you will be asleep, so you will be able to cooperate with your implant dentist as required. However, you will be in a very peaceful state, experiencing no pain and feeling deeply relaxed.

Most people remember little to nothing about their treatment when the sedative drugs wear off, waking up to find their dental implants in place.