How do you solve a problem like loose dentures? Dental implants can help

Dental implants are an excellent solution for people currently struggling with loose dentures. Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond offers a number of options to rebuild your jaw bone density prior to implants being placed.

dental-implants-in-richmondA shrinking jaw bone is the main reason traditional dentures lose their comfortable fit. When the natural tooth roots are missing, the jaw bone starts to resorb. Standard dentures don’t adequately address these issues because they replace only the crowns, and not the roots, of the teeth.

Loose dentures cause a range of problems. They can:

  • Restrict your diet to soft foods or liquids, affecting your ability to eat a healthy diet
  • Change your speech or make it difficult to speak clearly
  • Loss of confidence and negative impact on your professional or social life caused by fear of your dentures falling out in pubic
  • Lead to denture sore mouth if they repeatedly rub the gums

At our Richmond dental practice we can use dental implants to solve all of these problems. Denture stabilisation is a popular option, which sees your dentist place between two and six implants per jaw, which will integrate with your bone over the next few months, providing a stable anchor for your new teeth.

In most cases you will be able to continue wearing your old dentures whilst the dental implants mesh with the jaw bone. Your Richmond dentist will have to adjust them slightly, and you should avoid wearing them for a day or two after implant placement, to give your gums time to heal.

Once your dental implants have integrated with your jaw bone, your Richmond dentist will call you back to have your permanent denture fitted. Dentures supported by dental implants are still easy to remove for cleaning, and you should clean them twice a day whilst also ensuring you brush your teeth and gums.

Our Richmond clinic also offers full-arch bridges as an alternative to dentures. Bridges are designed to stay in your mouth at all times, and you should clean them as you would natural teeth.