How Exactly Can Dental Implants Change Your Life?

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country you’ve probably done some research. No doubt then you’ve also probably come across the saying “dental implants can change your life for ever”. You might think that that’s a bit of a sweeping statement and take it with a pinch of salt, but is there any truth in it?

Your body is designed with teeth in mind

dental implants in RichmondWhen you have a full set of teeth your cheeks, lips and facial skin remains firmer. As we age and start to lose teeth the body naturally loses bone structure in a process known as bone resorption. When a culmination of all these things occur, the skin around the mouth, cheeks, and even the eyes becomes wrinkled and looser. Ultimately this makes you appear older than your years. When missing teeth are replaced by dental implants any further bone loss is immediately halted and what’s more the mouth becomes fuller, naturally re-firming up the skin making you appear younger.

Enjoy success with a smile

One of the best first impressions that a person can give is a healthy smile. It can say so many things about that person and it’s considered far more than just a cosmetic statement. A smile can project confidence, assurance, and friendliness that can open a lot of doors in terms of relationships, friends, and even career prospects. Did you know for example that employers tend to promote people who smile more?

A real confidence booster

When a person isn’t happy about the state of their mouth they often try to hide their smile by placing a hand over the mouth. In some cases they might even withdraw from social situations altogether. If you’re generally a social person it’s easy to see how this would have a negative impact on confidence and self-esteem. Having a full set of teeth once more has the ability to give patients a real confidence boost as they unleash that healthy, happy smile.

Become healthier

I’m sure you’ve heard relatives or friends say “Oh I’d really love to eat that, but I can’t because of my teeth”. The fact is that missing teeth can make it difficult and in some cases even painful to enjoy all those healthy foods you might long for. Dental implants allow you to choose the food that you want to eat, not what your teeth dictate.

So there you have it, 4 sure fire ways that dental implants in Richmond really can change your life! To find out more why not book yourself a free, no obligation consultation. At Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team can discuss your needs and requirements and suggest the right dental treatment for you. To make a booking contact us via our website at or speak to us directly on 020 8876 5277. Remember your dental future is in your hands.