How Keeping Your Gums And Teeth Healthy Could Keep Your Overall Body Healthy

One of the issues that patients face when considering dental implants in Richmond is that the mouth meeds to be healthy. When we use the term healthy it means that the mouth is free from pathogens such as P Gingivalis. Pathogens such as these don’t cause issues in themselves but instead work to break down the immune system which in turn allow diseases a direct route in.

The link between key pathogens and other problems

dental implants in RichmondOngoing research into this area is relatively new but scientists are beginning to suspect that key pathogens found in the mouth could also be playing a role in other systemic health problems such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS), Colon Cancer, and a whole host of other inflammatory diseases.

So how does this happen?

To be truthful scientists aren’t 100% sure but what they do know is that some pathogens located in the mouth have found clever ways of breaking down our immune system. P Gingivalis in particular has been known to use a connection between two protein receptors to disarm a protein known to help clear infections. In turn this leaves the human body open and indeed more prone to problems.

So what can we do to prevent any systemic issues from occurring?

In essence the mouth needs to stay healthy and this is where a dental implant in Richmond can help. Missing teeth can lead to a whole host of problems including the gravitational shifting of any remaining teeth towards the gap. Teeth then become crooked and difficult to clean. This in turn causes bacteria build-up between the spaces which can not only attack the remaining healthy teeth but in the case of key pathogens – can disarm our immune systems allowing other problems to take hold.

As well as halting the natural bone loss process that occurs when teeth go missing, dental implants also halt that gravitational shift, keeping teeth in position. Straighter teeth makes it far easier to keep your teeth and gums healthy, which in turn keeps your dental costs down and your whole body healthy.

If you’ve recently been affected by tooth loss and would like to speak to us about undergoing dental implants in Richmond then you’ll be pleased to know that we offer a free, no-obligation consultation. To book yours either visit our website at, or contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.