How Long Does It Take To Get A Dental Implant In Richmond?

The length of time involved in getting a dental implant varies greatly from one individual to the next depending on certain factors such as how quickly their body heals and their lifestyle choices, but can be anywhere from 6 to 9 months and requires two surgeries.

dental implant richmondThe first surgery

The first surgical procedure is to place the titanium implant into the area of the jawbone where the tooth is missing. This is usually carried out in the surgery under a local anaesthetic or with IV sedation if the patient is nervous. The recovery period causes relatively little discomfort and most patients feel back to normal within a couple of days.

As the jawbone heals it starts to bond with the implant by growing over it to secure the implant firmly in place so that it is strong enough to support a prosthetic crown, bridge, or denture. This stage of the implant procedure can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months before the implant has stabilised and meanwhile, if desired, the patient can be fitted with a temporary prosthesis.

The second surgery

Once the surgeon is satisfied that the bone has fused with the dental implant then the second phase of treatment can begin. During this surgery, a small incision will be made in the gum to uncover the implant and a small post called an abutment will be attached. This will attach the false tooth to the implant.

The artificial tooth or crown is manufactured at the dental laboratory and fitted by a restorative dentist. A mould will have been previously taken of your bite and the size, shape, and colour of your crown approved by you, so that it can be fabricated to meet your exact requirements. The final placement of your tooth requires just a short appointment.

Depending on the individual case, a patient can sometimes have their teeth extracted and the implant placed at the same time, which makes for a simpler treatment.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how dental implants in Richmond could help you and whether or not you’re a suitable candidate, then the first step is to book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. Here you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, take a tour of our facilities, and get your questions answered. Getting a dental implant takes time, but all our patients say that it’s well worth the wait. Give us a call today on 020 8876 5277 to book your consultation or contact us online at We look forward to meeting you.