How Long Should Dental Implants Last?

Here at Sheen Dental we regularly place dental implants in Richmond and one of the most common questions that we’re asked is “How long should dental implants last?” Dental implants are the very best method for replacing damaged or missing teeth since they’re the only form of tooth replacement which replicates a natural tooth in its entirety. Although more people are aware of dental implants these days, many don’t know about the advantages that dental implants have regarding longevity when compared to dentures and other forms of restorative treatments. The truth is that dental implants if cared for properly can last a great number of years, and on average in excess of 15 years.

dental-implantsWhy do they last so long?

Unlike all other forms of tooth replacement such as crowns, and traditional dental bridges and dentures, dental implants actually bond to the surrounding bone and gum tissue in which they’re placed in the mouth. This gives a secure natural fit while stimulating the bone and tissue, helping to reduce gum disease and bone loss. A dental implant is made from titanium which is not susceptible to decay or periodontal disease, making it extremely durable.

How are they kept healthy?

Caring for your dental implant in Richmond is a relatively straightforward process. In order to maximise its longevity a patient must:

  • Clean it daily. This means brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing in between your teeth and around the implant, once a day. If your implants are being used to support a denture instead of a crown or bridge, then it’s important to rinse your denture in solution.
  • Regular dental check-ups – Be sure to attend six monthly check-ups with your dentist for a professional clean and so that any problems can be detected and rectified in their early stages.
  • Avoid activities which are dangerous for natural teeth – This includes such things as smoking, crunching ice, using your teeth to open packets, and chewing on pen lids.

Take the next step to improving your oral health

If you’re missing teeth or haven’t visited a dentist in a while, then don’t delay any longer. When it comes to your confidence, the ability to properly chew your food, and bone health, then can you really afford to ignore dental implants? Call Sheen Dental today on 020 8876 5277 or book your free consultation online at We look forward meeting you.