How Long Should I Expect My Implants To Last?

Here at Sheen Dental we know that one of the biggest benefits of having dental implants over other forms of tooth replacement is that they’re long-lasting. That said, we make it clear to anyone considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond that they don’t automatically come with a lifetime guarantee. Instead their longevity very much depends on a series of processes. Let’s explain…

High standards of oral health

dental implants in RichmondA dental implant is designed to replicate the natural structure and make-up of a tooth, so like the rest of your natural teeth they need continual and ongoing care and attention. This means careful and thorough brushing and flossing. The problem is that whether you undergo treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, they can come under attack from bacteria (particularly in the first few months of fitting). If left untreated it can cause gum disease which can then undermine and weaken the gum surrounding the titanium implant.


When this happens, more often that not you’re left with a loose implant that will eventually fail. Often, the only option is for it to be removed, re-drilled and replaced. That is of course once the area has been made healthy. At this stage the patient is likely incur more cost, not to mention the time and inconvenience of having an implant re-fitted.

Regular check-ups

In addition to applying good oral health, maintaining regular check-ups are also important. The problem is that when dental implant issues occur, they aren’t always painful and aren’t always recognisable to the untrained eye. For example, we’ve already talked about gum disease and the effects it can have on a dental implant, however in most cases a failing implant isn’t always noticeable. When you visit your dental implant clinic regularly, a highly experienced clinician will be able to spot and deal with any problems or issues early on, before they become problematic.

So the million dollar answer to the question ‘How long should a patient expect their implants to last’ is this….

Provided that you have the right support structure in place from your implant clinic and you continually practice high standards of oral care, then dental implants have been proven to last forty years or more. If however you choose to ignore any of these, then their longevity could be 10 years, 3 years or even as little as 6 moths…who knows?

To find out more about how to properly care for your dental implants in Richmond, or to discuss your dental options then contact Sheen Dental. We’ve been successfully fitting implants for many years and as such, we know just what it takes to deliver the perfect smile. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at where you can find a load of information on the topic.