How Long Will I Have to Wait After A Bone Graft To Have My Dental Implants?

In the past many people without sufficient bone in the jaw would have been turned down when applying for a dental implant in Richmond. Fortunately the advancement of bone grafting procedures has meant that more people than ever can replace their missing or failing teeth, and reap the benefits which dental implants offer.

dental-implantsWhy are bone grafts sometime necessary?

In order for a dental implant to be successful it relies on being placed into sufficient healthy bone which can accommodate it’s width and length. Once the titanium implant post has been embedded by a surgical procedure into the jaw, a period of waiting ensues as the surrounding bone and tissue gradually integrates with the titanium post. Once this has happened the implant is stable and strong enough to support a prosthetic, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. This integration period varies from one individual to the next and take between 3 to 6 months. If there is a lack of bone, then your dentist may recommend a bone graft in order to provide sufficient bone in which to place the implant.. This naturally adds to the length of time for the treatment and increases the cost.

What causes bone degeneration?

When teeth fall out the jawbone begins to thin because without the presence of tooth roots, which naturally stimulate the bone and soft tissue, the body naturally starts to resorb tissue. Bone atrophy is common amongst patients who have lost teeth, and especially those who have delayed replacing missing or failing teeth. A bone graft involves taking bone from another area of the patient’s body or using donor bone or substitute bone material and placing it over areas of the jaw where the bone has become very thin.

Why is bone mass so important to the success of dental implants?

The fact that the jawbone eventually bonds with the titanium implant post is how an implant post is able to mimic the actions of a biological tooth root, and this is what gives it stability and longevity. Without sufficient bone, the implant will not stabilise and won’t therefore be strong enough to support a prosthetic tooth such as a dental crown.

So even if you have been missing teeth for a while, there is still a chance that you can have dental implants in Richmond, but be prepared for the process to take a while longer. If you’d like to find out more about the implant procedure, and how it may be able to help you, then come and have a chat with the team at Sheen Dental. You can book a free consultation by calling 020 8867 5277 or contact us online at and take the first step to restoring your smile.