How Much Recovery Time Is Needed After Having Dental Implants In Richmond?

Over the years we’ve successfully fitted dental implants in Richmond to a wide number of patients and one of the questions they always ask before treatment is how long is the recovery period? This is something we feel we need to address simply because there’s often a great deal of confusion over what constitutes recovery.

dental implants in RichmondIn essence there are two phases of recovery when implants have been placed. Firstly there’s the recovery from surgery. Surprisingly this is relatively quick and many patients return to work or are able to carry out normal daily activities the very next day. For those facing more complex surgery such as bone grafts and/or multiple implants then post surgical recovery will take longer, usually somewhere between 7-14 days. During this time some (but certainly not all) patients may experience a little swelling, bruising and pain, or indeed a combination of these conditions. Normally though, these are brought under control quite quickly using over-the-counter pain killers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

The second type of recovery is the time taken for bone fusion (osseointegration) to take place. Bone fusion is part and parcel of the implant process and occurs when the surrounding bone tissue grows over the titanium implant secured into the jawbone. This is what gives an implant its strength. As a result it’s then capable of supporting a crown, a framework for a bridge, or even partial or full dentures. The time taken for bone fusion to occur depends on the healing abilities of the patient in question and can take somewhere between 6 weeks and 3 months, and in some cases longer. It’s a painless process that occurs naturally and patients shouldn’t even be aware that it’s happening.

So to sum up a patient will go through two stages of recovery after being fitted for dental implants in Richmond. These are

  • Post operative recovery
  • Bone fusion

Recovery runs simultaneously in both and while post op recovery is speedy it might feel slightly uncomfortable in some patients. Conversely bone fusion can take 3 months or more to take effect but is pain free and in most cases, it’s not even noticeable.

If you’d like to find out more about how dental implants can help you then feel free to check out our website at Alternatively if you’d like to seek advice from the professionals then why not arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. Call us on 020 8876 5277 to book yours today.