How Often Will I Need A Check-Up With Dental Implants?

For any patient considering a dental implant in Richmond we always make it clear that implants are not a quick fix solution and treatment can take anywhere from 9 months to a year. Admittedly, much of this time is spent on healing time during the various stages of implant treatment, but due to this fact it does mean that a patient will have to visit the clinic on several occasions to monitor their progress. If you have a really busy schedule or the location of the clinic involves lengthy travel, then this is something you need to factor into the equation before deciding to go ahead with dental implants.

dental implants in RichmondIt’s likely that you will need to return to the clinic within a couple of weeks of having your implants placed to check on healing and possibly to have any sutures removed. Because osseointegration, the process where the implant fuses with the surrounding bone and soft tissues can take several months to happen, you will need to return to the clinic on a regular basis so that the surgeon can monitor progress and check for any possible problems.

You’ll be given a timeline of follow up appointments when your treatment plan is given to you, so that you can fit these into your schedule and even if you’re feeling fine and are sure that your implants are healthy, it is still important to keep these appointments.

As time passes the appointments will become less frequent and will eventually be combined into your usual six monthly dental check-ups.

However, it’s important to be aware that to ensure longevity of your dental implants in Richmond and to get the maximum benefit from them, it’s important to take control of their care by maintaining a high level of oral hygiene for the rest of your life. Although implants can’t fall foul of decay like biological teeth, they are susceptible to gum disease and infection, which if it enters the implant site, can cause the gums to recede and also undermine the bone, leading to implant failure. Peri-implantitis, which is a severe form of gum disease that attacks dental implants is the number one cause of implant failure and can happen at any time, be it weeks after implant placement or several years down the line.

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then make sure you have sufficient time to devote to them and that you’re committed to high standards of oral care. If you need more information or want to know if you’re a suitable candidate for implants, then why not take advantage of the free consultation that we offer. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at We look forward to meeting you.