How Smoking Affects Dental Implants

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then you’re likely to have been told of the benefits to be gained as well as the risks which could lead to implant failure. One of the highest risks to the success of a dental implant is smoking and here’s why.

The effects of smoking

dental implants in RichmondBefore even considering dental implants, smoking may have had a harmful effect on your gums and teeth. Smoking is known to increase the risk of gum disease and often in smokers leads to periodontal disease which undermines the bone and can cause tooth loss, leading to the need for dental implants. In addition smoking causes a build up of bacteria and a reduction in saliva which is needed to help clean the teeth.

If you continue to smoke when it’s time to receive your dental implants, it could cause the following complications:

  • Firstly smoking significantly decreases the implant’s ability to fuse properly with the surrounding jawbone and soft tissue. Once an implant has been placed it takes several months for effective healing to take place and in the case of a smoker it raises more of a concern. Smoking can cause both the hard and soft tissues to become sore and inflamed preventing them from regenerating. This is a condition termed as periodontitis which is the main reason for implant failure.
  • Infection – As with any surgery there is always a slight chance of infection however smoking greatly increases the risk of infection and also lowers the effectiveness of any antibiotics that may be given following surgery. Should infection occur, then smokers will find it harder to recover.
  • Slower recovery period – Assuming a smoker doesn’t experience implant failure the recovery period will be far longer than if he or she had stopped smoking. The act of smoking reduces the body’s ability to heal from wounds and regenerate new tissue. What’s more it also limits blood flow, respiration, and metabolic activity – factors which all contribute to the recovery process.

All of these potential problems are more likely to occur if a patient smokes on a regular basis but by refraining from smoking before and during the recovery period their chances of implant success can be increased.

If you’re a smoker it doesn’t mean you’ll be turned down for dental implants in Richmond since we review each patient’s case on an individual basis. We recommend that you take advantage of our free consultation so that we can answer your questions and concerns and consider your suitability. Please give Sheen Dental a call direct on 020 8876 5277 to make a booking or visit our website at where you can book online.