How To Care For Your New Dental Implant

Getting a dental implant in Richmond isn’t a decision that is taken lightly since it involves surgery and a significant cash investment. However, the vast majority of our patients tell us that they’re so glad they made the decision to go ahead with the procedure and have never looked back. While we’re really pleased to get this feedback we’re also a little concerned that as time passes and the implant has fused successfully with the bone, some people may forget bout their implant altogether.

dental-implants-richmondA word of caution

Dental implants should never be forgotten, as similar to natural teeth, they need the same level of care and attention to prevent problems arising that could threaten them. Many people think that because a dental implant is a false tooth, then it’s a fix it and forget solution to a missing tooth. While it’s true that implants and crowns are unlikely to encounter any problems, the same can’t be said for the surrounding bone and soft tissues that hold the implant in place, so aftercare is extremely important.


Even though a dental crown can’t decay it still needs to be cleaned. Porcelain doesn’t as a rule stain easily, but it can stain, so careful brushing should help prevent this. What is more important, however, is that you brush gently around the tooth to prevent gum disease from occurring in that area. Our hygienist can show you the best way to do this without damaging the gum.

It’s also important to floss between your teeth or use a special interdental brush, which again our hygienist can talk to you about. Tiny particles of food, which your toothbrush can’t reach, can get trapped in between teeth and just below the gum line, which if not removed leads to a build up of bacteria, which is how gum disease starts. When this occurs then the bone that holds the implants in place comes under attack, and starts to weaken and thin. This means it may lose its grip around the implant, which can cause it to loosen or even fail.

Stick to a routine

A regular routine of thorough brushing and flossing all of your teeth and implants should help keep gum disease at bay and only takes a few minutes of your time each day. In addition it’s important that you attend regular follow-up checks so that we can monitor the health of your implant and the gum surrounding it. Our hygienist can also carry out a thorough deep clean, and check for any problems. With proper care of your dental implant you can expect it to last for 20 years, or longer.

If you’d like more information about dental implants in Richmond then we offer a free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and get your questions answered. Just call us on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at