How to deal with losing teeth
Many people unfortunately have missing teeth and this can cause feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness, but missing teeth can also have a negative impact on your overall oral health. Have you lost a tooth? Or indeed several teeth? Then you have come to the right place! Many people are unsure about how to best improve their smile and replace any teeth that they may have lost, if you are one of those people then we have good news for you! We can support you in your endeavours to improve your smile. If you wish to have a complete smile again, then you could consider having oral implants. You can use this article to learn about what implants are, how the treatment works and what you can do next should you decide our treatment is right for you.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants Richmond are made of metal and are fitted at the jaw in the position where your missing tooth used to be, it involves a small surgical procedure. Once the implant has been given sufficient time to heal you will be fitted with a suitable prosthesis. The implant is designed as a small post normally made from titanium upon which to fit the crown, bridge or denture which may be needed. This completes your smile and makes it look and feel like the smile that you used to have. These implants are specially designed to ensure that patients get the best possible results. The prosthesis fitted will be colour and size matched to your remaining teeth so that it is indistinguishable from them.
How does this treatment work?
Only the highest standard of care is used when we deal with patients. Only the best expertise and materials are used to ensure patients can complete their smile once again. Dental implants Richmond will work to protect the health of your jaw as well as sustaining the overall structure of your face. When you lose a tooth this can have a negative impact on the structural integrity of your face. The treatment can be used to make a smile complete again and can be used to improve how you view your own appearance. The treatment is performed under local anaesthetic and you can be assured that you are in the best hands possible when it comes to receiving cutting edge dental treatments.
What should I do next?
If a patient thinks that this treatment could be for them, then they should get in contact with us here at Sheen Dental. We can support you in your efforts to achieve a stronger and healthier looking smile. If you think that the right move forward for you and your smile could be dental implants Richmond then you should get in contact with us today. You can phone us directly or you can get in contact with us through our website. Patients who have received this treatment in the past have been impressed by the results. We love to take on new patients and cannot wait to be able to help you achieve your smile goals.