How To Enjoy A More Confident Bite

Although many people opt to live with a gap where an individual tooth is missing, it’s quite rare these days to see anyone walking around without any teeth at all. Generally speaking people are more conscious about their appearance nowadays, than they were in our grandparents’ day, and more aware of how missing teeth can impact on aspects of their personal life such as relationships and career moves. So what options are there for a person who has lost all of their teeth?

dental-implants-richmondDentures/Dental implants in Richmond

Traditionally dentures have always been the choice for anyone looking to replace their missing teeth. Although dentures have come on in leaps and bounds and now look more natural than ever before, they still become loose in the mouth over a period of time. This is no reflection on the quality of the dentures but is due from the bone loss which occurs when teeth are missing. This causes the jawbone to shrink and affects the fit of the dentures. Because of this a person can lose confidence in social situations and find it difficult to eat their favourite foods, often having to switch their diet to one of softer, bland food.

Full arch replacement

Here at Sheen Dental we can offer our patients an alternative to dentures in the form of a full arch replacement secured to the mouth using dental implants. Instead of using individual implants to replace each and every tooth, which would be costly and very time consuming, we can place a number of implants into the jawbone and secured a fixed bridge to it. The amount of implants will vary from one individual to another, but is usually between 4 and 8. We carry out careful examinations and scans to ascertain the exact number needed to ensure a successful outcome for each of our patients.

Benefits of an implant secured bridge

  • Teeth look extremely natural and can be colour blended with any remaining teeth in the mouth.
  • Once implants have integrated with the jawbone they offer a very secure platform on which to attach the bridge to.
  • The implants minimise bone loss and help maintain facial structure.
  • The bridge remains in place when a person speaks, giving them back their confidence to socialise.
  • A person can eat what they like without the restrictions that a denture imposes.

If you’d like to feel more confident when you bite, then why not get in touch with Sheen Dental to discuss how dental implants in Richmond can help with your situation. We offer a free no-obligation consultation which you can book online at or you can call us direct on 020 8876 5277.