How To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery

We’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond for a considerable length of time and it’s our careful attention to planning and preparation before the surgical procedure goes ahead, that ensures the best possible chance of success. However, there are still some fundamental issues which need to be considered, and you can read about them in this blog.

dental-implants-surgeryYour health

While it’s true that dental implants have a high level of success, this is increased in patients who are healthy. The procedure can be carried out for most people, but what’s at risk is the recovery period, when the implants are left to integrate with the surrounding jaw bone and soft tissues, in a process known as osseointegration. Some people such as those with diabetes, are more at risk of implant failure, although if their diabetes is controlled, then in many cases they can still go ahead with the procedure. This is something that needs to be talked through, both with your doctor and with the implant dentist, so an informed decision can be made.

Whether you smoke

If you’re a smoker then some dentists will refuse point blank to go ahead with the dental implant procedure. Others will ask that you stop smoking for a period before and after the procedure to give your implants the best possible chance of success. The reason for this is that smoking slows down the flow of blood to the implant site, and this prolongs the healing period, and in some cases means that osseointegration fails to take place and the implants fail.

Smoking also causes a condition known as ‘dry mouth’ which means the patient is more likely to suffer from infection, as it provides an environment in which bacteria thrive. As a result your dental implants could be at threat. If you’re a heavy drinker of alcohol, the same could also apply, although the odd glass of wine shouldn’t do any harm.

If you’re anxious

The dental implant procedure entails surgery in order that the implants can be placed into the jawbone, where they eventually become a permanent feature in the mouth. It’s a procedure which requires a skilled surgeon and a steady hand. The surgeon can work faster and more efficiently if his patient is relaxed and still, which is why if you’re at all anxious about surgery, we can offer conscious sedation which puts you in a deeply relaxed state, but leaves you conscious and able to comply with any requests from the surgeon.

Overall provided you’re in reasonable health and don’t smoke you can expect a successful outcome when you receive a dental implant in Richmond.  If you do have any concerns, however, then please take advantage of our free implant consultation and come and have a chat with us. You’ll get to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and be able to get your questions answered. Book online at or call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.