How To Prepare For Dental Implants
Unlike other forms of tooth replacement dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the country aren’t a quick fix solution that can be carried out in one or two appointments. Instead they require one or more surgical procedures which means that it’s necessary for a thorough evaluation to be carried out in preparation for the process. This includes:
An extensive dental examination – This involves assessing the health of your mouth and gums and may also require X-rays to be taken and models made of your mouth and teeth.
- Treatment plan – Since each individual case is different, it will be necessary for a tailored treatment plan to be put together. This will take into account the number of teeth that need replacing as well as the condition of your jawbone. Usually the treatment plan requires prior discussions and consultations with a number of different dental specialists including an oral and maxillofacial surgeon whose area of expertise is dealing with conditions of the face, mouth, and jaws, as well as a periodontist who deals with structures which support the teeth.
It’s vital that you tell your dentist about any medical conditions which you suffer from as well as giving him a list of any medications that you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines and supplements. If you have orthopaedic implants or certain heart conditions, you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics prior to surgery to help lessen the risk of infection.
Dental implant surgery is generally carried out under local anaesthetic at the dental clinic but the dental team will discuss all of your pain relief options including sedation and general anaesthetic and help decide the best option for you. You’ll also be given instructions regarding eating and drinking before surgery. Depending on the type of anaesthetic you’re given, you may need someone to accompany you so that they can drive you home afterwards; and you’ll definitely need to rest for the remainder of the day.
What to expect
Having a tooth replaced by a dental implant in Richmond usually takes several stages as follows:
- The damaged tooth is removed
- Your jawbone is prepared for surgery which in some cases where there isn’t sufficient bone, may include a bone graft.
- Once the jawbone has healed the oral surgeon will place the metal implant post into your jawbone.
- Your mouth is left to heal during which time the bone fuses with the metal post to so that it is strong enough to support a false tooth
- After healing has taken place the oral surgeon will then attach an abutment to the metal post which is then followed by an artificial tooth or crown.
The entire process can often take three to nine months from start to finish and sometimes even longer, with much of the time spent waiting for new bone to grow in your jaw.
If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and indeed determine if they are a suitable option for you, then why not take advantage of the free no-obligation consultation offered by Sheen Dental. You can book online at or alternatively call us direct on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and team look forward to meeting you.