How To Promote A Speedier Recovery After Dental Implant Surgery

Whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere else in the UK, the one certainty about them is that it’s going to involve a surgical procedure. That said recovery times will vary depending upon (A) the type of treatment you have and (B) how you approach the recovery process. Obviously you can’t do much to affect the type of treatment, but by doing everything you can, it’s possible to speed up your recovery process so that you get back to normal quickly. Here are some suggestions…

Don’t touch the implant area

dental implants in RichmondTry to keep your tongue or fingers away from the area, otherwise you might cause bleeding, irritation, or loosen the stitches.

Rinsing is good

Gently rinsing 3 times a day after surgery is good. Either use a prescribed mouthwash or try some warm water with a little salt. Do this for up to 10 days after the surgery and you’ll promote quicker healing.


You might not feel like eating much after surgery but food is important to aid a speedy recovery. Begin by eating softer foods such as soups, soft boiled eggs, avocado, and dairy products such as yoghurt or ice cream (but not too cold). Then move on to other healthy foods such as lean meats, well cooked vegetables, and fish. In addition try to drink plenty of water.

Managing pain

As with all most surgical procedures there may well be some degree of pain. For this reason it should be managed using over-the counter- pain killers. Take only what you need to feel comfortable and then stop. A combination of pain killers and anti inflammatories such as Ibuprofen are ideal.

Cold Compress

A cold compress (usually in the form of an ice pack) will help to quickly bring out any swelling. This is especially good in the first few hours immediately after surgery. Apply for 5 minutes at a time for 3 times an hour. It will also help to stem any bleeding should there be any.

Alcohol and smoking

Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol after surgery. Smokers are more at risk so if you do smoke, then in order to aid the success of your newly placed implants, you’ll need to quit, at least until the implants are well-established (usually 6-12 months). Alcohol should be avoided for at least 2 weeks after surgery but 1 month is recommended.


Oral hygiene is important for newly placed implants but to avid any damage avoid brushing the area for at least 3 days after surgery. Instead dab some antiseptic mouthwash onto the area and gently rinse.

Report any issues promptly

Finally, keep a close eye of your implants and if you notice any change, however slight, contact your dentist immediately.

So there you have it, if you follow all of the suggestions above then there’s no reason why your recovery after undergoing surgery for dental implants in Richmond can’t be a speedy one.

To find out more about the process you can either check out our website at or contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered by Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team.