How To Protect Your Investment With Dental Implant After-Care.

So you’ve successfully undergone dental implants in Richmond and now you’re smiling with confidence, enjoying crunching on that crisp apple, or selecting whatever you like off the restaurant menu. It’s at this point that it’s worth considering exactly how you’re gong to care for your investment.

Let’s take a look at some top tips to help.

Follow the treatment plan to the letter

dental implants in RichmondAny dental implant dentist worth their salt will want you to look after your implants for as long as possible. This is why they go to painstaking lengths to develop a unique treatment plan. Much of the plan will be about what to expect during the implant process, but some of it should be about how to look after your teeth, post op. This might include particular methods of cleaning and how often you should do it. It might also detail special cleaning tools you need to buy, or signs of any problems that you need to look out for such as bleeding gums from around the implant area or an unpleasant taste.

Attend regular check-up’s

The importance of attending regular check-up’s after implant surgery cannot be underestimated. Firstly the hygienist will be able to ensure that all food particles and bacteria are removed from around the surgical area on a regular basis giving the implant the best chance for continued success. Secondly, not all dental implant problems are noticeable! What’s more, a failing implant is never normally painful unless it gets particularly bad. For this reason having regular 3 or 6 monthly check-up means that your implant dentist can spot problems early and deal with them before they escalate. Remember they have your best interests at heart as they don’t relish re-fitting a failed implant that they’ve already fitted a few months/year’s earlier.

Keep yourself healthy

It’s true, your overall health can play a big part in the longevity of your dental implants. In Richmondfor example, here at Sheen Dental we have a team of nutritionists and counsellors that we can put you in touch with if you want to change the way you live your life. This could be to quit smoking, cut down on their alcohol intake, or to eat healthier foods. It’s well documented that people who live a healthy lifestyle are not only going to live longer, but are likely to have healthier teeth too and since you paid a lot of money to have the most amazing natural looking dentures, it would be a shame not to make them last.

If you want to find out more about looking after your dental implants in Richmond or indeed any other information about implants in general, then feel free to check out our website at Alternatively contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself as free, no-obligation consultation today.