How You Can Enjoy A Better Quality Of Life With Dental Implants

Many people worry that they won’t enjoy life as much following tooth loss, and this is understandably so. Often patients who are fitted with ill fitting devices to replace their teeth just don’t feel or look their best.

dental implants in RichmondThis is why it’s important to weigh up all your options for replacing missing teeth, including dental implants in Richmond. Other options include conventional dental bridges and full or partial dentures, which all have certain issues that can affect both your comfort and the function of your smile.

Dental implants can give a patient a much better quality of life in so many ways. Firstly, they are the most natural looking alternative to biological teeth that currently exists in the dental world. The prosthetic crowns, bridges, and dentures are crafted from lightweight, superior materials which look amazingly lifelike and are hard to tell from real teeth. Secondly, because they are linked physically with the jaw, dental implants also feel more like real teeth.

Here at Sheen Dental, Dr. Harmit Kalsi places the dental implants into the jaw during a short spell of surgery. The small titanium posts are then left to heal in a process known as osseointegration, which is a natural process where the surrounding bone and soft tissues grows over the implant’s surface to create a bond. This makes them a permanent fixture which offers stability to the jaw and actually prevents it from changing shape in the years to come to due to bone loss. This means that replacement bridges and dentures will retain their fit for many years as opposed to their conventional counterparts which will need continual adjustments.

Dental implants are also able to withstand a far greater biting force than other forms of tooth replacement which means the patient can bite and chew on a far wider variety of foods, including crunchy fruit and vegetable and nuts. If they want to chew on a sirloin steak, then no problem either. So rather than their teeth dictating what they can eat, people with dental implants can eat what they like, when they like.

Finally, dental implants give patients back their confidence and peace of mind, knowing that they’re not going to suffer any embarrassing slippage moments in public. Quite simply with dental implants a patient can forget all about what their teeth are doing and carry on enjoying life.

If you’re concerned about your quality of life after tooth loss then it makes sense to explore a dental implant in Richmond as a solution to tooth replacement. Why not come and speak with Sheen Dental to discuss your options. We offer a free consultation so you’ve absolutely nothing to lose. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at We look forward to meeting you.